Lisa Tripp, JD
Partner Tripp Hollander Advisors
Lisa is a nationally recognized expert on hospital at home law, policy and advocacy. During her more than two-decade career she has held numerous positions with CMS ranging from litigating attorney to member of the CMS-CDC COVID-19 Task Force. As a member of the task force, she helped draft the Hospital Without Walls waivers, and then co-led the team that wrote and implemented the CMS Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver. In addition, she also led the CDC/CMS nationwide nursing home strike force initiative to assist nursing homes that were experiencing large COVID-19 outbreaks. After leaving government in 2021, Lisa led the advocacy team at Medically Home, which was instrumental in getting Congress to extend the CMS Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver in 2022 and getting the House and Senate to introduce bills for a five-year extension of the waiver in 2024.
Lisa Tripp, JD
Tripp Hollander Advisors